Name: Evelyn Massey
Business Name: Noir Vintage & Co., 111 Court Street, New Haven
Year Business was started in New Haven:
My business came to life with a storefront June 2023 but started at the end of the pandemic as an online store on Instagram, and with the help of market pop-ups and vending opportunities around the city it also boost my brand as well.
Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven?
I wanted to set up shop in New Haven where I grew up, it would only make sense to start this business where I’m most familiar and downtown was the ideal location to become the first black owned women vintage store that landed in the downtown area, also the first vintage store in New Haven owned by an African American woman.
Why did you start your own business?
I started this business out of love for timeless vintage clothing and the stories that came along with it, I’ve always been a person that loved old things there is such beauty in preserved treasures.
What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business?
My challenges came about when it was time to fund my business, the difficulties of having a dream that you are passionate about with no money is the real reality, but I never gave up on believing that I would accomplish this someday, even as I got older…I kept that dream until it manifested, and now I am downtown with a beautiful shop, and I must say this it is never too late to follow your DREAMS! If you see it and dream it, you can have it. Never give up, yes it will get hard because running your own business is never easy!
Just DO It!!!