Name: Carrien Davis
Business Name: Any Occasion Creation Florist
Year Business was started in New Haven: 2014
Why did you start your own business?
I gained inspiration from my parents, who kept flowers all throughout her home in the Caribbean Island of Dominica. As a teenager, I would be tasked with picking flowers from the family garden for the dinner table, and she enjoyed making arrangements.
Why did you choose to start your business in New Haven?
My family immigrated to the United States when I was 17. Upon seeing the abundance of flower shops and craft stores, I realized that I could turn my interest into a profession and began taking orders for floral arrangements from friends.
What challenges did you have to overcome in starting your business?
It’s challenging to get support from the community, however, over time, I was able to develop a clientele. People noticed my work and that turned out to be the primary driver for orders.